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Sunday, December 16, 2012

United Way's Move

Crains - The United Way of Metropolitan Chicago has found a new home.  And Partners is right now in the process of designing their new interiors.  It will have some dramatic changes which respond to a shift in United Way's new view of the office space.

The non-profit plans to move its headquarters from the West Loop to the East Loop in May, signing a long-term lease for 28,000 square feet in the CNA Center, 333 S. Wabash Ave.

The new location, less than half of its current space, frees up capital and provides a more centralized location for the organization's staff, partners and volunteers.

Partners present efforts include:

After investigating United Way's work processes, Partners is creating new team interaction solutions which will improve organizational relationships  along with creating new standards for offices and workstations to accelerate collaboration. The new culture will also have hard wall offices relocated to the interior in order to bring in more natural daylight for all employees.

Areas of shared stations for consultants and temporary employees will be co-located strategically to benefit all groups. 

In order to support their role as a community "Convener",  Partners is creating a reception and conference center custom tailored to support to meet those goals.

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